Wednesday, July 23, 2014


"Procrastination is a master of misdirection."  That's how Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory start off chapter 4 of their book The Cure for the "Perfect" Life.  They go on to say: "Procractination is the practice of doing tasks that are less urgent but more fun before doing things that are more urgent but less fun." defines it like this:

Are you a procrastinator?  I know I have been at times.  Sitting down at the computer shows how much of a procrastinator I can be some days.  Here's an example of a procrastinator's day.

Maybe this has never happened to you but it has to me.  I can get up thinking I will get everything done on my to do list and then I think of one more thing I'd like to check online before I get up to start a load of laundry or make lunch or ...the list could go on and on.  Before I know it, we've passed lunch and it is almost time for my husband to come home from work.  What have  I accomplished?  Absolutely nothing of value.  Just yesterday I was going to prepare a document to take with me for the girls in my summer bible study.  It was a simple get to know you questionnaire.  We met at 3:30, I pulled the papers off the printer at 3:20.  I still had to get my daughters out the door and get there on time.  As a leader, shouldn't I be early to accept guests as they come?  Yes, I was on time but I had a week to complete this.  I guess I procrastinated.

Kathi and Cheri say: "When we procrastinate, we tend to do what we've always done and get the same results we've always gotten.  This means we're not growing."  I don't know about you but I want to grow.  I want to grow in my spiritual life and grow closer to God.

The last thing I want is for my daughters to become procrastinators.  It can be a very bad thing, especially when you have a paper to write or a project to complete.  There were definitely a few times while I was in school that I waited until Sunday evening to complete my homework and projects.  We have one very big disadvantage in our small town when we procrastinate.  The stores that stock anything we might need for our projects close early.  I've already experienced procrastination with my daughters and hope it doesn't become a habit for them.  It's definitely something we will need to start working on during the next school year.

Today I may look like a procrastinator because I am putting off housework and laundry to spend the afternoon with my girls at the county fair.  Time spent with my girls has been an excuse for why things haven't gotten done in the past.  Now I don't look at spending time with them as an excuse to not get something done.  Today I look at it as quality time where we make memories.  It is priceless time together that I will never regret.  Kids grow up in the blink of an eye and I don't want to miss a thing.  Go and make memories with your families.  Have a blessed day!


Sharon said...

Kristina, this was excellent for me. Procrastination is my biggest challenge. When I look at the things I'm not doing compared to the things I want to do but am avoiding there is no comparison. The rewards are far greater with the things I could be doing with my time. I'm 62 and this P-bully has gotten stronger every year. Yikes! I'm going to run our of time. Period! Thanks for your encouraging thoughts!

Kristina said...

Procrastination has always been one of my biggest challenges too Sharon. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! God bless!