Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Are you Magnetic?

I'm sure someone wants to know what I mean by my title for today.  Lately I've been reading a book titled Magnetic.  It's meant for teen girls and young ladies in their 20s.  Though that is the intended audience I have learned so much from it.  Lynn Cowell is an amazing author and I am praying that her book will reach all women.

What do you think of when you hear the word magnetic?  I think of things being attracted to it.

Merriam-Webster's Definitionpossessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract <a magnetic personality>

What traits would you think of when you think of a magnetic person? Maybe you would like to check out Lynn Cowell's Post on Facebook. When I think of a magnetic personality or person, someone that would draw me to her I think of things like: loving, compassionate, giving, honest, and full of joy.

One of my favorite quotes from Lynn's new book Magnetic is: "Gorgeous is much more than a face in the mirror. Gorgeous is not skin deep but heart deep, a beauty that develops as my heart discovers and returns true love." Today women aren't portrayed as beautiful unless they are a small size, have flawless skin, and walk out of their home with makeup on. I would rather strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman or dress in my best as Galatians 5:22 & 23 state.

These are all wonderful traits to have and would make any woman magnetic.  She would be someone that is there for you but loves God and her family more than anyone.  She would take time for you and really listen to you when you talk.  She would be full of joy, always looking on the bright side, and a lot of fun to be with.  No complaining would come from her and she would lift you up in prayer.  I'm not sure if such an amazing woman exists in one person but true beauty comes from within.  It may be traits you find in several different women all combined.  

I'm going to strive to be magnetic and I pray that God's light will shine through me for others to see.  I want to strive to be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and be self-controlled.  I know I can't be that woman without God's help.  If you read this, please pray for me.  I will be praying for all of you that may come across this post.  God bless!