Sunday, July 20, 2014

A New Week

It's Sunday.  We had a great sermon at church and then my amazing husband smoked a chicken and some delicious ribs for supper.  Yum!  

Sundays are a day of rest in our home.  We all enjoy our weekends so we can be together.  Today was a very warm day for us.  It was almost 90 degrees.  We've been having highs in the 60s and 70s so this was quite warm.  My favorite part of today was watching my daughters be kids.  They went outside in their swimsuits and turned on the water and sprayed each other.  Our outside water only has one temperature.  It's quite cold but on a day like today I'm sure it felt good.  While they played, my husband mowed the lawn and I was working on getting some cleaning done and some baking.  Thank you God for air conditioning!  The anticipation of fresh caramel rolls was in the air.  My youngest daughter kept asking when they would be ready to eat.  To all of our amusement, we ended up with caramel roll bites.  You see, the bread dough had been in the freezer for what must have been too long.  The dough didn't rise but we enjoyed every bite anyway.  

Things in life don't always turn out how we want them to but we make the best of them.  We don't need to strive for perfection.  Besides, we can't be perfect on this side of Heaven.  We don't need to be perfect.  We just need to be who God created us to be.

Do you struggle with the perfectionism bully?  I know I do from time to time.  When my daughter folds the laundry but not the way I like it or loads the dishwasher but not the way my husband or I like it and we go and "fix" it.  Maybe you are the type that will go to a friend's home and you see a picture on the wall that's crooked.  If you can't just let it be and you have to straighten it you might struggle with the perfectionism bully.  

Currently I am reading a book that is releasing August 1st.  It is titled The Cure for the "Perfect" Life: 12 Ways to Stop Trying Harder and Start Living Braver.  Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory are very down to earth and willing to share so much about their try-hard living.  I will be doing some blog posts regarding this book over the next few days.  Please follow the link and check their book out.

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