Monday, August 25, 2014

Back at it.

I took a much needed break from social media.  It has been a big time waster in my life and it felt good to have a break from the negativity that sometimes comes with being active on it.  I wanted to check it every day and now I think I could go several days without checking it if I wanted to but right now I am going to try to help some friends launch their books and for now will stay a part of twitter, facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.  I will just put limits on my time.

When it comes to social media I have some rules I want to follow.  I only want my posts to be uplifting and God honoring.  I don't want to post a bunch of negative things or something that might be considered as something that would not honor God.  So...if I would not want to talk to someone in person about it or if Jesus was sitting beside me while I typed it and He would disapprove of it...I will not post it.

I want to turn my facebook into faithbook.

What do you do on social media?  Do you actually read everything on facebook?  Are you actually friends with everyone?  Do you interact with everyone or are they just a number on your "friends" list?

I know there are some good things about social media as well but I was having a hard time finding them until now.  I have met some amazing christian women on there and even if we never meet while we are here on earth I have the promise that we will meet one day in Heaven.

Are you ready to make facebook your faithbook?

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